Full-On Automatic PHM System, Proven Effective by the US Navy

(Based on successful performance of PreMA in a recent Navy pilot program,

ship’s force was able to “make smarter decisions that reduced risk and impact”.)


“With PHM [Prognostic Health Management], you know exactly what the issue is.  You don’t have to decipher fault isolation lists and manually dig through technical data like many fourth-generation platforms. The information is right there in the system.  The most valuable part of the maintenance system is the prognostic health management capabilities… [It’s] a huge leap in maintenance management.” — (USAF Col. Michael Miles, 388th Maintenance Group Commander)

pre-engineered automation to eliminate the insanity of repeated follow-up engineering requirements after anomaly detection


PreMA uses high fidelity mathematical model-based fault detection technology and dynamic remaining useful life (RUL) estimations, based on future operating profile and exposure to environmental conditions, that provide you with decision-making information related to equipment current health, cumulative wear, and dynamic RUL.

online fault detection, prognostic power, and intervention cost optimization for rotating and reciprocating machinery


Automated failure mode detection, current failure mode status, MBVI, RUL estimates, planning and scheduling, WO generation, and economic decision support, enabling  plant’s force to conduct risk-informed interventions with cost-optimized timing. Configurable for a system or asset, one asset or many, at one plant or many plants, from one central location or more than one.